UNG Residency Policy
All students accepted to the Dahlonega campus of UNG who have not earned 30 semester hours or lived two semesters in University Housing are required to live on campus. Students may live off campus if they:
- Live with and commute daily from the permanent legal residence of parent(s) or grandparent(s) within a fifty-mile radius from campus
- Are married, widowed, or divorced
- Are 20 years of age or older
- Have completed one year of successful active military service
Students accepted to UNG – Dahlonega campus may apply for housing at the Non-Cadet Housing Portal, https://ung.edu/residence-life/index.php
For more information about the Residence Policy, please visit https://ung.edu/residence-life/handbook/residence-policy.php
For questions, email residencelife@ung.edu or call 706-864-1902.